Hair loss in women and the ingredients that can help

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Hair loss in women and the ingredients that can help
Hair loss in women and the ingredients that can help

March 21st, 2019



Hair loss is a well known concern for men as they age, but did you know many women experience thinning hair as well? will experience some amount of hair loss by the time they are 50 (that’s a lot of hair down the shower drain!). Apostrophe does not treat female pattern hair loss for safety reasons (learn more about that here), but here are some over-the-counter ingredients for women looking to keep their hair in place.

First, what causes hair loss in women?

One of the difficulties in treating hair loss in women is that there are many possible causes, including as well as several inflammatory skin conditions. Connective tissue on the scalp naturally weakens with age, meaning hairs are more loosely anchored and prone to falling out. Hormonal changes like pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause, as well as hormonal conditions like can result in an increase in DHT is the same hormone that causes male pattern hair loss by damaging and shrinking hair follicles (a process referred to as “hair miniaturization”).

So what can you do about it?

Scheduling an appointment with a doctor is always the most reliable way to get to the root of a hair loss issue, but there are a few over-the-counter options that can help. Shampoos that boost scalp circulation and block DHT can improve scalp health and protect hair from weakening and thinning. But don’t be fooled by some marketing claims! Hair growth shampoos often give the appearance of fullness and thickness through proteins that help thicken the strand. These shampoos won’t do anything to prevent hair loss or regrow hair, but they do provide the appearance of body and volume while you figure out the cause of your hair loss.

Healthy scalp, healthy hair

So what should you look for before you head to the doctor? Our medical director, Dr. Aimee Paik, recommends making sure you are getting enough vitamin D and iron in your diet. She says, "Low levels can lead to a chronic form of hair loss called chronic telogen effluvium." Shampoos that target flaky scalps can also help to ensure that your hair grows in as strong as possible. Addressing scalp health and the overall environment of your hair sets it up to grow in healthy and thick.

Now that you know a little more about the potential causes of hair loss and the ingredients that help, hopefully you can find some products at your local pharmacy or salon to bring life back to your hair! Women who are losing their hair should always stop by their doctor’s office to make sure it isn’t a sign of something more serious, but these are some of the things that can help.

Welcome to the fine print! Just so you know, this article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. It’s always best to talk to a doctor for that stuff.

Welcome to the fine print! Just so you know, this article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. It’s always best to talk to a doctor for that stuff.

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