Katelyn Hagerty FNPDoctorateDegreeAmerican Board of DermatologyBoard Certified DermatologistChief Medical OfficerDermatologist100A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in conditions involving the skin, hair, and nails. A dermatologist can identify and treat more than 3,000 conditions. These conditions include eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer, among many others.
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Katelyn Hagerty FNP

Kate Hagerty is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner with over a decade of healthcare experience. She has worked in critical care, community health, and as a retail health provider. She received her undergraduate degree in nursing from the University of Delaware and her master's degree from Thomas Jefferson University. You can find Katelyn on Doximity for more information.

Read more articles medically reviewed by Katelyn Hagerty FNP


What is milia?

What is milia? Today, we’re jumping into one type of bump that you may have heard about most commonly in infants — milia.

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Deep Dives

Anti-aging home remedies: do they work?

Do anti-aging home remedies actually work? In this guide, we talk about what works, what doesn't work, and how you address your anti-aging concerns.

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Clindamycin side effects

As you hear the benefits of clindamycin, you might also be wondering about the side effects of clindamycin. In this article, what is clindamycin and the side effects of it.

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What is my acne telling me?

If you're seeing a pattern with your breakouts, your acne might be telling you something. Below, we decipher what your acne might be telling you and the best treatment for your acne.

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The best anti-aging night creams

There are so many night creams out there, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. In this guide, we break down what to look for in a night cream and how to find the best anti-aging night cream.

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Do eye creams work?

This is a bit of a controversial topic lately, but do eye creams really work? In this, we answer whether or not it works, what you might need it for, and even how to apply an eye cream.

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Deep Dives

How to take care of your skin

Wondering how to take care of your skin? In this guide, we've listed below some tips on how to take better care of your skin.

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Apostrophe Treatments

Niacinamide for acne: Does it work?

Considering niacinamide for acne? In this guide, we break down what is niacinamide and how niacinamide works as an acne treatment. Read to find out more!

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Apostrophe Treatments

Niacinamide for skin: a guide

Hearing a lot about niacinamide? In this guide, we explain what is niacinamide and the benefits and side effects.

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The best makeup for acne-prone skin

Contrary to popular belief, not all makeup is bad for your skin! In this article, we tell you what ingredients to look for and the best makeup for acne.

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Apostrophe Treatments

What does niacinamide do?

You may heard about niacinamide, but what is it? In this article, we discuss what does niacinamide do, its benefits, and the best ways to use niacinamide.

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Best acne spot treatments

Are spot treatments for acne really the best way to treat acne? In this article, we break down what is acne, best acne spot treatments, and how to get ahead of acne breakouts.

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How to reduce acne

Acne can be annoying, but they're often treatable. We're sharing 16 science-backed tips that you can use to reduce acne and prevent breakouts.

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How does acne form?

How does acne form? We'll be looking at the causes of acne, different types of acne, and acne treatment tips to help with managing acne.

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Apostrophe Treatments

Benefits of niacinamide

What is niacinamide? You may heard this trendy skincare ingredient, but what exactly is it? What are the benefits of niacinamide? Learn more in this article!

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Best Sunscreen For Your Face

Everyone needs sunscreen, but which sunscreen is best for your face? In this article, we break down the type of sunscreens and which one is the best for you.

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Your Guide to Skin Tightening Treatments

Thinking about getting skin tightening treatments? In this article, we break down what exactly are skin tightening treatments and other anti-aging skincare tips.

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​​Pomade Acne

The right pomade can make styling your hair easy. Unfortunately, it may also cause breakouts. Read more to learn how and why pomade acne develops and how to treat it!

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Is Hyaluronic Acid Good for Oily Skin?

Is hyaluronic acid good for oily skin? Read more to find out!

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Is a blackhead extractor effective?

Curious about using blackhead extractor tools for your blackheads? Read on to learn more about blackhead extractors, and whether or not you should include one in your skincare arsenal.

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How Much Does Tretinoin Cost?

How much does tretinoin cost and why does the price vary so much? Read on to learn more!

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The Best Anti-Aging Products For Men

What are the best anti-aging products for men? In this article, we break down what the best anti-aging skincare products for men and more.

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How to remove pimples

Getting a pimple is annoying, but how do you get rid of it? In this article, we break down what causes pimples and how to effectively treat pimples.

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Best facial treatment for acne

Dealing with breakouts, pimples, or other blemishes? We break down what exactly is acne and some of the best treatments for acne before and during breakouts.

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Bad acne

Acne can be annoying to deal with. Sometimes, they can even be painful and can cause scarring. We'll be checking out the ways to manage really bad acne, and the types and causes of severe acne.

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Best hormonal acne treatment

Struggling with hormonal acne? We explain what is hormonal acne, how to treat it, and other effective treatments for hormonal acne.

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Best adult acne treatment

Acne can continue beyond your teenage years or spontaneously show up in your adult years. But good news, adult acne can be managed. We explore the causes of adult acne and how to manage and treat it.

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