Apostrophe's guidelines for patient care
Apostrophe's guidelines for patient care

March 19th, 2019



At Apostrophe we aim to make dermatology affordable, accessible, and safe. Our dermatologists want to be sure they are providing their patients with safe and effective care and, as such, their medical expertise guides how we choose what treatments to offer. We take four guiding principles into account when making these decisions.

  1. The condition is diagnosable through photos. Our doctors must be able to clearly and confidently diagnose a patient’s concern through the high quality pictures they provide. Not all conditions are as straightforward as they may appear!

  2. The treatment is low-risk. We ensure that most people can use the medications and treatments we provide safely and without strict medical monitoring like lab tests or in-person doctor visits. Depending on the patient’s treatment plan, our doctors schedule follow-up visits and do not offer medications, like isotretinoin (otherwise known as Accutane), that require regular lab testing. We want to make sure you get the care you need without putting you at risk.

  3. The treatment is proven to be very effective for most people. Even the most common conditions can sometimes be difficult to treat. For instance, we do not treat nail fungus in part because the best medicine only has a 70% cure rate, according to our medical director, Dr. Aimee Paik. We want to be confident that the treatment we provide you will work!

  4. The treatment is affordable. We discovered many of our patients are drawn to Apostrophe because they do not have health insurance, or the insurance they do have does not cover dermatology services or medication. We do our best to keep the price of our treatments affordable so we can be light on your wallet.

Apostrophe uses these four guidelines when bringing you the best service we can so you can stay safe while getting the treatment you need.

Share your thoughts with us by tweeting us at @hi_apostrophe!

Welcome to the fine print! Just so you know, this article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. It’s always best to talk to a doctor for that stuff.
Apostrophe text logo blackApostrophe spelled out in text in black.

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